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Honesty and respect are impartive traits in a reltaitonship. I like to take long walks. I am a former North Dakota farm girl who has learned to enjoy the city life. Love sitting by the water it is so calming to me and relaxing. I Love horses, farms, camping, family, swimming, four wheeling, motorcycles. I love going to the farmers market on Saturday mornings. I am looking for a man with family values. I am human. Someone to love me unconditionally. Just to be quick, I love shopping and just doing simple things. I like music, dancing, watching movies, etc. Work full time. I view myself as easy going, and always willing to try something new. Going to the gym is a stress relief. They are hard to list. I am keenly interested in the environmental and social issues of our time. First I need to say. They're just a little bit too perfect. I am looking for someone who is assertive without being overly aggressive. If living outside of the city is a problem for you just keep on looking.

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Is the relationship moving quickly? It was very unexpected and we miss him every day. I enjoy going to concerts, any type of theater productions and sporting events. I am flexible and enjoy trying new things. Intelligence is sexy, so stimulate my mind and the rest will follow. I have had my heart broken many times in the past couple of years due to commitment issues on their part. I also recently fulfilled one of the items on my bucketlist and got a tatoo. If you want to know me, just send a message. I a romantic lady looking to move on, have 3 young adult kids. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. Although when they occasionally come home on a weekend — my time is theirs. Looking for a gentlemen, someone who holds the door, is considerate and thoughtful. Mainly because that keeps me smiling. Personally, I prefer men to be older than me. Only a FEW emails are necessary to decide if further contact is an interest. What I do during my free time varies greatly from long walks to watching movies.

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If you wear Ed Hardy, Affliction, or clothing that resembles such a look, I am waaaaay not interested. I can be hard headed, but only about things im passionate about. I am a woman who never stays content where they are but whom always look for ways to make it even better. My taste in music is country, but my feet will start moving with just about any type of beat. Be wary of people you don't know sending you messages through your social media accounts. I am looking for a partner in life. I occasionally visit a nearby Baptist church that some of my family and friends attend. Fun, loving and caring. I am interested in culture and gaining new perspectives on life. Is it too good to be true? I like going downtown, movies, hiking, running, etc. Looking to meet great people. I am also up for a new adventure too. Hello, I find describing myself to be difficult. The difference between acronyms and shorthand is that with acronyms, you pronounce the letters as a new word for example, 'FUBAR' is pronounced 'foo-bar' and 'RADAR' is pronounced 'ray-dar'. I also like to explore new places. I can make time. I am seeking a man that is confident in himself, drama free and head game free. Want to find my best friend.

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Sharing Unconditional Love is the best high you can experience. I am friendly,honest and love people in general. A few other things. And definitely no strings attached. Fun, caring, non-judgemental, pretttttttty much the total package when it comes to a family support system. Taking a walk by the beach or Adamson House is something I enjoy. I have a great sense of humor and enjoy making people laugh. So things changing, lol. Not perfect,definately will never be a super-model.

Travel, for me, is more about learning than a vacation. Guys who are funny, family oriented and sweet, but have a bit of bad boy in. If you've been scammed out of your money tinder plus promo seniors dating sites toronto someone who wasn't who they said they were, there is help best hookup apps net tinder openers best free dating sites uk 2012 support available. I have made mistakes and freely admit. I love listening to music. See if we have anything in common. I am looking forward to traveling in these years of my life. Is it appropriate for them to be asking someone they've only known for a short time and may never have met in real life for money? What I do during my free time varies greatly from long walks to watching movies. A man must be honest with me. If you are being dishonest about your age, height, or any thing please do not contact me. Im a simple woman. I am very drawn to nature. Sorry I seem to have gone off on a tangent lol. Well to start my name is Cristina and I am I am a natural thinker that tries to live outside the box. I like the finer things in life but also love to camp, hike and be outdoors. Im an open book for the most part so anything you wanna know just ask and I will be sure to tell. I love to read, travel, entertain and make others laugh.

My passion is working, I own a child care and love every moment. Someone who has their head on straight and knows what they want in life. That is a personal choice if and when you meet him. I am ready to start a new chapter. I work in the health field. I love to travel. I love going to the farmers market on Saturday mornings. Small things matter. I am very outgoing and like to keep busy. Hiking is also something I enjoy. Try to arrange a face-to-face chat early in the relationship. It's common for catfish to ask you for money that appears to be for your benefit.